Saturday, September 17, 2016

Entry #3

This video that  have found was very interesting to me. I see how technology is taking over the world now a days and it has a huge impact on society. Over the years it is going to get worse and worse. This world is only going to be filled with technology like cars, phones, etc. I found this video very interesting, because it talks about how the population will be in 2020. Not only that but it really blew my mind when I read that it said that "there will be 2,000 million of obese people in the world, a quarter of the world population." I can personally see that happening because there are a lot of people who LOVE food so much and they eat non stop, all day. It is crazy to think that many people are so busy with work, school, etc. that they don't have time to go make something healthy to eat. Fast food is always a go to. I think this video would really surprise people once they watch it and see how everything in the video is slowly starting to happen and impact us.

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