Steph's ENG101 Blog
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Entry #9 Food Perspective
Wow.. The more I read things about McDonald's the more I don't want to eat there. I personally love there big macs but after reading about the pink slime that they put in there meat, it really hit me and I just can't eat there anymore. Ever since I was in PE class in high school we watched a movie called super size me and it was basically about a guy eating McDonald's for thirty days to see how it would affect him and his body and he ended up gaining a lot of weight. In the process they also told us how they make there food and when I found out that they use old chickens that are disabled I stopped eating there chicken nuggets. I found that so disgusting I cant look at McDonald's the same anymore or eat my food without worrying about what its made of. Did you ever like some kind of food so much that you would always eat it and not even think about what was in it, and once you found out you just couldn't eat it anymore because you were so disgusted and wondered why people would do that or even sell it? Has it always been like this? Watching these videos and reading about what they put in our food is just unbelievable. I really want to look into my food before I eat it because I dont want to get sick.

Extra Credit
After watching Fresh Inc. I felt a little worried about the food I eat. In the film it showed how they were being so rough with the animals, for example there was a scene where they had chicks in baskets and they were transferring them to the farm and when they take them out they just flip and throw them on the ground. I was a little heart broken when I saw that, because I thought that they would at least treat them a little better and put them down nicely. When I found out that we had so much bacteria in our food, it really grossed me out and made me wonder what else is in our food and why they let us humans eat all that bacteria. Do they just not care about others? I feel like we should care about what is in our food because, it can affect us, it can make us sick and give us a disease. We don't want that for anyone, its not like it would only happen to one person, a whole bunch of people would get it too. The thought of our food being engineered is a little weird, I mean its good in a way because I am sure its faster, but the chemicals and all the things they give their animals to eat to make them grow can give them all kinds of sicknesses and us as well because, after they kill the animals we eat them and all the pills and things that they give them, transfer to us and make our bodies sick. Not only do they do that to animals but they do that to all kinds of foods like tomatoes, carrots, corn, apple, lemons, etc. A GMO (genetically modified organism) is when a lab processes genes from the DNA of species that are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of a unrelated plant or animal. The gene can come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, and even humans. I personally would not want that in my body and I'm sure no one else would.
Entry #8 Cruise
The year of 2015 in March my mom, aunt, cousin James, his cousin Jeremy, and I went on a 3 day cruise to Ensenada Mexico. It was all of our first time on a cruise. We didn't really know what to expect or if we would get sea sick at all or not. We had to drive up to California, I don't remember what beach we left from but I remember going through this building to get our I.D.'s to get into the ship. After we went through that whole process we had to drive to the parking lot and walk all the way to the bridge to get onto the ship. When we walked out of the parking garage, we had a really nice view of the ship. It was the biggest boat I have ever seen, I kind of felt like I was on the titanic. We were one of the first people on the ship. Man was it big inside.. As soon as I stepped foot in the boat I knew for sure that I was going to get lost the whole time I was there. While we waited for everyone to board the ship we went to bring our stuff to the room and get everything settled. After we settled in we went to explore the ship and see what it had and what we could do the whole time. Finally, when everyone got on we started heading out to Mexico. It was like heaven to me, I walk in the cafeteria and there were 2-3 floors of different types of food and it was all you can eat. I honestly think I was eating more than I actually went to do things on the ship. When we got to Mexico I was kind of shocked, I thought it was going to be a lot nicer and that we would be able to do more things, but it wasn't that bad. We still had fun. I got to hold a baby lion and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I wanted to take it home with me but I couldn't. That night when we stopped in mexico, we stayed the night and man did we get sea sick. We got used to the ship moving, that when we stopped the boat was actually rocking and it made us really sick. But we took a nap and after that we felt a lot better.
Entry #7 Fresh

Sunday, September 18, 2016
Entry #6 Makeup
My dad is very over protective of me and he has a crazy mindset about makeup. I don't wear a lot of makeup, I usually just wear mascara but my dad thinks I wear cover up, eyeliner, and all those other things. He gets on my butt a lot about wearing makeup and he always tells me that it attracts the wrong kind of guy (I don't really see how it does) but he's a dad i'm sure he knows better. It's funny to me because he always says that i'm 20 years old and that I can do whatever I want, but when I just put a little mascara on he just tells me to go take it off because I look ugly with makeup on. This one time I had a little more mascara on then usual and he told me that I looked like his butt and me and my family started laughing soo hard but he was dead serious. Personally, I think he's just scared of me growing up and finding a boyfriend, getting married and leaving him. I guess you can say that I was always a daddies girl.
Entry #5 Wall-E
In the movie Wall-E there was a video clip about how technology took over everything. You basically just sit down and the chair takes you wherever you want. If you wanna change you just press a button and you change clothes. It requires no movement at all. I noticed that in the clip everyone was over weight, I did not see any average weight person. It kind of made me realize that technology is taking over quite a bit to the point where everyone is going to forget how to socialize with a human being. They are all going to become socially awkward. I also noticed that nobody communicated with each other. Their eyes were only on the screen in front of them, like they were glued to it. I personally don't think that they realized that there were people around them. For example, a man fell off his chair and they stopped traffic and told him to wait assistance, because he was over weight and he couldn't get up on his own, but Wall-E was being very generous and helped him go back in his seat. This reminded me of today's society, because it's slowly starting to become less social (physically). I look at teens and even elders and I see them in a group and every single person is on their phone and nobody is saying a word to each other. It is very sad to think what technology is doing to society.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Entry #4 Don't Judge
Many people cant be themselves because they are so worried about what other people say or think about them. Everyone just wants to fit in and be accepted by people. But that shouldn't matter. People should be who they want to be and act the way they want to act without worrying about what others are going to say about them. Many people (especially girls) feel accepted by keeping up with fashion and dressing like other girls and do there hair and makeup like every girl. Girls should feel beautiful the way they are. I don't think they need to cover there face in powder just to feel pretty or think that guys will only notice them if they wear makeup. I talked to many guys about how they feel about makeup and majority of them hate it. They like that natural look and they think girls are sooo much more beautiful natural, then with makeup on. Girls be confident! Don't think that you need to fit in with ever girl just to feel pretty or accepted. You are beautiful the way you are.

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